Today's post comes from Kevin Lawson. Kevin is graduating from Lasell and his presence on campus will be missed. He has been an active member of our community and always involved in our environmental initiatives. Best of luck Kevin! MD
Under Pressure…
BY Kevin Lawson
During the next 5 years our campus will undergo many changes. This includes building two new dorms, expanding the number of students, faculty and staff, and countless other items. But what does all of this expansion mean for our campus impact on the environment?
I believe a global problem requires a global response. This means students, faculty, and staff all must take place in saving our environment and minimizing Lasell’s environmental impact. The current trend at Lasell has been a mixed one. Though the cafeteria encourages “tray less” days, it does not inform us why we should give up our trays. Another example was the creation of the path on the corner of Woodland and Maple. This short cut was used by almost everyone, myself included. However, while walking on it I thought I was making my walk a more convenient one and assumed the grass would grow back once the temperatures increased and the weather got better. Instead of planting new seeds or encouraging students not to use that path, Lasell did just the opposite and decided to pave a path!
With Lasell’s growth our students, faculty, and staff must continue to pressure ourselves and others to change our current environmental impact. All plans submitted by students for the Contest to Reduce Greenhouse Emissions should be examined and used. Students should be encouraged to conserve energy, faculty should be encouraged to have “paper less” classes, and staff should be encouraged to minimize travel to and from work. If we all take the necessary steps and provide each other with encouragement and information how and why we should save our environment then Lasell can become an example of how colleges can reduce their environmental impact.
Thank you and have a great semester!
- Kevin Lawson
Class of 2008
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